Scanning data may vary on the aspect of the data quality due to the differences in shapes, scanning angles, etc. It is necessary for users to distinguish the data quality in the scanning process. The software provides distinct features to judge the data with color in time, which can serve as tools to improve the data quality. The features are advantageous for the following design.
How to judge the data by color?
Normally, areas with insufficient data will be presented in green color in the revision of data. Few and small green holes can be automatically modified and filled by AI, while large green areas on the result cannot be accepted. Hence, in order to notify users of data quality, there are 2 methods to apply.
Solution 1: Mask
A feature named “Mask” has been positioned at the top of the camera aperture. Click the icon to activate the feature.
When users are scanning data, the areas that cannot be currently captured clearly will be covered with a purple layer. Users need to adjust the angle of the scanner to capture the data.
Solution 2: Data Indicator
A feature named “Data Indicator” has been placed on the right side of the scan interface. Click the icon to activate the feature.
The areas with grey color indicate poor data quality in these areas. Users need to add-scan these areas until the grey color turns into true color, which suggests the standard data quality.