Create orders



The creation of orders is a crucial starting point for scanning and following designing, which influences the scanning workflow, workable functions, etc. This guide helps users quickly master the necessary items in the creation stage of orders, and assists users in acquiring smooth workflow. 


How to create a new order?


STEP 1: Launch the software

STEP 2: Create a new order

Click the “New orders” to enter the interface of the creation stage. The ID, create time, and order number have been distributed automatically. 

STEP 3: Edit the order information

Select the patient type from the first visit and follow-up, and enter the patient's name. 

For the first visit, click the “new patient” button to enter the pop-up to edit the detailed information of the patient. Only the name, gender and age are necessary to fill. Click the “confirm” button to finish the addition of the patient. 

For the follow-up, enter the patient’s name to search from the history, and select the target patient.

Next, Select the doctor and operator. Users can add new doctors and operators by clicking the edition button on the right side and inputting the corresponding information.

Tips: If multiple doctors joined the clinic from the dental cloud platform, their names can be selected here. And their orders can be visible on the dental cloud platform by themselves or the main administrator. However, if the doctor is added from the IntraoralScan software, their names cannot be found on the dental cloud platform to check their orders. 

Then, Select the dentistry type from the restoration, implant, orthodontics, removable dentures and other. Each type corresponds to a unique workflow.  

STEP 4: Tooth selection

Select the target teeth based on needs. Select the sub-type on the right side.

Tips: Selection strategies

Left-click a single tooth to select.

Right-click a single tooth to cancel.

Long press the “shift” button to left-click 2 teeth to select all teeth between them. Click the “clear all” button to cancel all selections.

There are hollow circles between the interproximal teeth. If you click it, it will turn blue. It presents the connection between the teeth, namely, a bridge.

STEP 5: Additional information

Users can edit the implant-based, material, pre-op scan and tooth shade. 

After the selection of implant-based, additional scan steps will occur in the workflow.

Implant type

Additional step

Custom Abutment

Scan the scan body

Custom Abutment (manual positioning)

Scan the abutment

Screw Retained

Scan the scan body for dental implant

Screw Retained (manual positioning)

Scan the die

After the selection of the pre-op scan, an additional step of scanning the pre-op model will occur in the workflow. 

STEP 6: Further operations

Click the buttons for further operations.




To enter the scan interface


To save the current order


To check the saved orders on the pop-up window

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