Pre-op Scan

Pre-op Scan




The pre-op data can provide original teeth and occlusion situations, which be significant in the restoration design and other scenarios. Normal and original occlusion data will be helpful for designing restoration plans. The recordings of pre-op data can be applied in the verification of treatments. The pre-op data can be recorded in the software to provide detailed information for users. 


How to scan the pre-op data?


STEP 1: Enable the pre-op Scan

In the creation stage of an order, after inputting necessary items and selecting teeth, you can select the “yes” item in the “scan a pre-op model” to activate this mode. Here, we assumed the 16th tooth needs a full crown, so we set the 46th tooth as an antagonist, and the maxilla needs a pre-op scan.  

STEP 2: Scan the pre-op data

Scan the pre-op model of the maxilla.

STEP 3: Refine areas

Refined areas can help us save detailed data on target areas. Users can use brush to select areas. 

STEP 4: Perform necessary treatments

Treat the teeth if necessary, for example, tooth preparation. 

STEP 5: Scan the mandible and occlusion data

Scan the mandible data and occlusion data as usual. 

STEP 6: Remove the pre-op areas

Dig holes in the pre-op model to remove the pre-op data. Click the “confirm” button to finish the removal, and the remaining data will be locked and presented in green. 

STEP 7: Scan the post-op areas

Scan the post-op areas to replace the data in the pre-op model. Start the scan from the abutment areas to get feature points and alignment. Then scan the post-op areas to fill holes. Click the “confirm” button to finish the scan. 

STEP 8: Review the scanning process 

In the preview stage, users can show or hide the pre-op data in the model list to compare with the post-op data.

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