Impression Scan

The Impression Scan function helps enhance intraoral scan data by substituting intraoral data with impression data. For example, capturing margins, post areas for Post & Core cases, and other areas that are challenging to fully scan with intraoral scanning alone.

How to scan margins with Impression Scan?


After scanning, some margin areas present as blank holes due to the lack of adequate data. The impression scan can apply an impression model to replenish these areas. 

STEP 1: Create an order and collect oral data

Create an order and scan oral data normally. Here, we took a physical model as an example. 


STEP 2: Scan the impression

Here, we applied the edition tool to trim the margins with insufficient data. 


To fill these holes, click the “impression scan” button to start. Scan the impression for the margin areas, and the impression data will automatically match with intraoral data, filling in missing data. After scanning, click the “confirm” button to finish the impression scan. 

How to scan post areas for Post & Core cases?


Because the post area is too deep to be scanned well, an impression can be applied in scanning to complement the data of post areas.

STEP 1: Create an order and collect oral data

Create an order and scan oral environment normally. Here, we took a physical model as an example.


STEP 2: Trim data

Click the “edition tool” button and remove redundant and post area data before scanning the impression, then click the “confirm” button to confirm changes.


STEP 3: Scan the impression

Click the “impression scan” button to scan the post areas of the impression. The twice scanning data can be combined to generate an intact oral model. Click the “confirm” button to finish the impression scan. 

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