Binding to EXOCAD



The IntraoalScan can be integrated to EXOCAD and Dental Wings seamlessly to smoothen the workflow and enhance work efficiencies. There are 2 ways to bind to EXOCAD, including the Scan Binder and direct integration. Users can select their preferred ways, expanding the applications of data.


How to connect IntraoralScan with EXOCAD?


Solution 1: Scan binder

STEP 1: Launch the scan binder

Right-click the dentallancher and open the location folder. Locate the Scanningbinder and launch it.

STEP 2: Bind to the path

Click the “select” button to select the corresponding path for DentalDB. It supports Chairside 2.1, EXOCAD 2018, 2019 and 3.0 versions. Then, click the “bind” button. A pop-up will remind you of successful binding. 

STEP 3: Launch the Dental DB program

Launch EXOCAD and create an order. Next, proceed with the scan.

STEP 4: Scan

STEP 5: Finish Scanning

After scanning and pre-designing, click the “go to send” button to enter the interface of sending. Click the “Finish” button to return to EXOCAD for further design. 

STEP 6: Further design

Further design can be conducted in EXOCAD.


Solution 2: Directly connect to EXOCAD

STEP 1: Select the EXOCAD path

In Settings > Order Settings > General > EXOCAD DentalCAD path, select the correct path.

STEP 2: Create an order and scan

Create an order and collect data normally.


After scanning and pre-designing, click the “EXOCAD” button to conduct further design. 

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