


The Shining 3D account can be applied to the various applications of Shining 3D to smooth the workflow and improve work efficiency. Meanwhile, a free dental cloud platform can be provided for users to manage all information effectively. With the Shining 3D accounts, users can realize digital dental design and management. 


How to register an account?


Users can register from the IntraoralScan software or the dental cloud platform


Solution 1: Register on the IntraoralScan

1. Launch the IntraoralScan and click the “New user? Click here to register” to enter the interface of the signing up. 

2. Choose your country or region.

3. Next, input your e-mail address or phone number and the contact. 

4. Click the verification button to conduct smart verification. After verification, the bar will notify users of successful verification.

5. Click the “send” button to obtain a verified code from your e-mail or mobile phone. 

If the e-mail or phone has been used for registration, it will be recognized as existed contact.

6. After inputting the verified code, input your password twice to verify. The password length should be between 8 and 32 bytes. Besides, it should contain letters, numbers and special characters.

7. Click the privacy policy to check and agree.

8. Click the register to complete the registration.

9. There will be a pop-up to remind you of successful registration.


Solution 2: Register on the dental cloud platform

1. Enter the address in the browser,

2. Click the “register a new account” button to enter the interface of signing up.

3. Repeat the remaining steps in the solution 1.


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