FAQs for Clinic Accounts
How to perform uniqueness verification?
NOTE: this process is only suitable for user in China.
Follow these steps
Go to the
Institution and click the Uniqueness Verification tab.
Follow the on-screen instructions to upload your Business License . The system will automatically recognize and fill in the institution name, unified social credit code, and address.
Upload your Practicing License of Medical Institution or Clinic legal Certificate as prompted on the interface. The system will automatically recognize and fill in the institution name and registration number.
Upload the Declaration Letter. Before uploading, please download the declaration letter template, print it, check the relevant information and affix the official seal, take a photo or scan it and upload it, where the declarant refers to the institution/company name, and the Shining 3D Dental Cloud Platform account refers to the email address/mobile phone number at the time of registration.
Click Application Verification to submit your unique verification application. After the verification is passed, the verification logo will be displayed anywhere on the cloud platform where your institution name is displayed. If you have any objection to the verification result, you can apply for manual review.
Please ensure that the uploaded business license and declaration letter have the same name, are clear and are genuine and valid After successful institution verification, the institution name will be updated to match the business license name