Edentulous Scan




AoralScan Elite has been equipped with an edentulous scanning mode and an IPG scan tip to smoothen the scan process and improve the scan accuracy. This article introduces some tips and strategies in the edentulous scan process. 



How to capture edentulous data? 



In general, AoralScan Elite can assist users in capturing accurate data in the final restoration and immediate loading stages. However, each has its own difficulties. Users should collect the complete morphology of the full arch and the buccal and lingual sides. 


  • Final restoration

The gingiva has undergone implant surgery and coalescence in the final restoration. Hence, a relatively good gingiva status can smoothen the whole scan process to a large degree. Please turn on the Intraoral > Edentulous Scan mode in advance, and utilize the IPG scanner tip, which can reduce the stitching times and the accumulative errors. 


  • Immediate loading

After the surgery, the edentulous scan should be performed immediately. However, the gingiva is just sutured and unstable. The bleeding and unstable soft tissue can cause difficulty in the scan process. Consequently, maintaining good post-surgery stabilization and controlling the blood is significant. Similarly, users should turn on the edentulous scan mode and use the IPG scanner tip


If encountering difficulties in transitioning data during the scan, toggle the AI function on and off to help transition from one area to another. After scanning, assess the quality of the data and delete invalid data.

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