What’s new for V3.2.1.X?
Fully New UI Display New Features
The optimized interface is now clearer and more intuitive, with enhanced visualization, making navigation easier and significantly improving the overall user experience.
Initial Setup Guide New Features
The initial setup guide helps users quickly configure basic software settings, including language preferences, device import, and printer addition.
New User Guide New Features
Designed to help users quickly familiarize themselves with the system's key features, reducing the learning curve and improving productivity.
Application Guide New Features
Tailored for all users, the guide ensures first-time printers achieve great results by outlining best practices and reducing the learning curve.
One-Click printingImprovments
Three new one-click print options have been added, offering customers greater convenience and improved efficiency in their printing process.
Multi-Platform Application Guide New Features
Enabling users to print up to 50 models at once, automatically sending them to printers with matching materials.
Accudesign 2.0 Improvments
Integrates the upgraded AccuDesign 2.0, which accelerates model creation with its enhanced algorithm.
Shortcut Instructions Improvments
Helping users quickly access and apply keyboard shortcuts, streamlining their workflow and enhancing the overall user experience.
Preference Resin SettingsImprovments
A new page displays frequently used resins, automatically categorizing them as "Common material" after three successful slicing operations for easy access.