DICOM Upload and Import into Exocad

The process of uploading and importing DICOM data into Exocad has been streamlined to enhance efficiency and ensure the accuracy of coordinate systems. Here’s a detailed overview of the steps involved.

Step1: Alignment

The first step involves aligning the DICOM data with facial scan and intraoral scan. Once the alignment is verified and the datasets are properly synchronized, the combined information can be uploaded to the cloud. This cloud storage not only facilitates data sharing but also ensures that the information is accessible from multiple devices and locations.

Step2: Convert

After successfully uploading the aligned data to the cloud, the next step is conversion. The aligned datasets must be transformed into the Exocad format, or another compatible format that suits your workflow. Once the conversion is complete, users can download the newly formatted files directly to their local systems.

Step3: Import

The final step in the process is importing the converted files into Exocad. The data can be utilized for further analysis, design, or treatment planning, enabling dental professionals to provide improved care without a second-time alignment.

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