FaceScan V220X Updated Content

What’s new for V220X?

Introducing ConsulFace(beta version) New Features

Real-time 3D facial free-forming to help patients visualize outcomes and explore treatment options


Upgraded MetronTrack Improvements

Experience the next level of measurements with new angle/area dimensions and expanded indicators for more powerful functionality.


Automated DICOM Alignment New Features

In addition to manually aligning DICOM data and intraoral data, our software now offers an automatic alignment function.


ABO Report New Features

Newly equipped with the American Board of Orthodontics' standardized eight-view orthodontic image set for more precise treatment evaluations.


Utilization of Authorized Function Modules Without Device Connection Improvements

When the face scanner is disconnected, users can perform alignment and utilize the authorized function modules.


Tooth Texture Adaptation New Features

The software will calculate the texture of the intraoral data based on current facial data and apply it to all the intraoral data after extracting the lip line.


Renaming Customized Faces New Features

Users can modify the default customized face names and name additional face scanning data.


Preview Intraoral Scan Data New Features

The intraoral scan data can be previewed in the order creation interface after import.


DICOM Upload and Import into Exocad  Improvements

The process of uploading and importing DICOM data into Exocad has been streamlined to enhance efficiency and ensure the accuracy of coordinate systems.


Selecting from Multiple Extracted Lip Line Facial Data Sets into Exocad Improvements

After extracting the lip line, the software prompts users to select the specific face for import into exocad.


UI Background Color Option New Features

The dark gray UI background color option is used to avoid the difficulty in observing intraoral scan data against a light gray background.


Scan Music Improvements

To relieve patients’ anxiety during the scanning process, we have added a music switch button and more options for scanning music.


Import Orders Across the Institution Improvements

Users can either create a new patient profile or attribute the order to an existing patient after importing the order.


Optimize the DICOM Importing Window Improvements

The current import process utilizes the system’s file explorer, and the DICOM import requires selecting the entire folder containing DICOM data.


Facial Data Adjustment Improvements

Optimize the quality of the neck data and correct the edges to be smoother.


Unity of editing function Improvements

The editing features of the pre-designed interface are the same as those in the scanning phase.


Synchronized information Improvements

A synchronized information button was added to the order list and patient list.

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