Bite Adjust




In the pre-design stage, the bite adjust feature can assess the occlusion relationship by measuring the spacing between the working and opposing jaws, which can serve as a reference for the following design.



How to measure the occlusion spacing?



STEP 1: Create an order and scan the data

Create an order and collect oral data normally.

STEP 2: Cord Adjust

Please refer to the previous article: Cord Adjust

STEP 3: Check the color bar

Click the “bite adjust” icon on the bar to enter the interface. The occlusion status is shown by a color bar. The red color indicates there is nearly no gap between the maxilla and the mandible. With the color turning green or even disappearing, the spacing between the tooth and the antagonist becomes larger. 

The threshold can be adjusted by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the bar. With every click of the arrow, the threshold will be changed in the interval of 0.1mm. Increasing the threshold can expand the colorful areas, showing more spacing information. 

Tips: Bite-through

Bite-through is a common phenomenon occurring in all oral scanners due to some unpredictable factors, such as the different tightness of occlusion on the left and right side, and the tension of the periodontal ligaments. The bite-through appears in purple and the spacing is minus, indicating a penetration of teeth. However, the automatic bite optimization is activated by default, which can eliminate the most bite-through areas. Users can determine if turn on the function or not in the Settings > Scan Settings > General according to their habits.

Users can switch the closed and open mouth by clicking the corresponding icons. 

Users can pick points on the model to obtain a specific value of spacing. However, the areas uncovered by the ribbon cannot be measured by this approach. 

Tips: Calculation

If users want to modify the spacing between the maxilla and the mandible, they can apply the “calculation” function. Click the arrows to increase or decrease the distance. With distance decreasing, the jaws get closed and the bite-through areas expand. Click the “yes” button to confirm the change, or the “no” button to cancel the change. What we should pay attention to is the initial distance is 0.05 mm at the beginning of the function, instead of 0 without this function. The modification can be applied to the data exported. 

STEP 4: Check the section

Section mode allows for precise measurement of distance within the oral cavity. A section will be generated on the arch line, and can be rotated by dragging its plane, or moved by dragging its central sphere on the line. 

Click the “vertical arch line” in the sub-window to make the section vertical to the arch line. 

Move the section to the position where the measurement will be conducted. Pick 2 points from the sub-window, and the corresponding distance will be generated subsequently. 

Tips: Switch the jaw relationship and pre-op data

The software supports users to check the occlusion relationship of multiple jaw relationships. Switch the jaw relationship by clicking the “multiple jaw relationship” button 卡通人物

中度可信度描述已自动生成and repeating steps 3-4 if necessary. 

If users need to check the occlusion status of the pre-op data, switch the data by clicking the corresponding icons in the upper left corner of the interface of the color bar mode. 

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