FAQs for Lab Accounts
What to do if the document format in the download list does not meet the requirements?
Follow these steps to change the conversion format of individual documents:
Go to the
Cases. Click
on the Actions column to navigate to the Download tab.
Click the
Other Formats next to the project documents. In the Convert dialog that appears, select the target format and click Confirm .
Follow these steps to change the default conversion format for the institution:
Go to the
In the Base Info tab, set the Default Conversion Format .
Click Submit to save the settings. The format for new project documents will be converted according to this setting. For existing cases, you need to manually convert document format based on the new setting.
Please note that nly administrators can change the default conversion format for the institution.
Follow these steps to update the format of already created cases:
Go to the
Cases. Click
on the Actions column to navigate to the Download tab.
Click the
Convert to update the document list based on the already set Default Conversion Format.