Through the use of Al, the software can automatically identify and delete extraneous data such as from the buccal/lingual mucosa and tongue for automated data optimization.
The most common reasons for unavailability of the AI function are listed below:
- Obsolete driver version of your Nvidia graphic card -> Solution: update the Nvidia Drivers
- Pending Windows Updates -> Solution: install the Windows Updates (also the OPTIONAL UPDATES/DRIVER)
- Old Aoralscan SW version -> Solution: install the latest Aoralscan SW version
- When download the software package. Missed the addition folder. Need the whole package when install the software
You can also refer to the link for additional details of the PC Setup
NOTE: the first activation of the AI function takes 1-2 minutes; please launch the Aoralscan SW and leave it open for few minutes after installation.
Once the AI function is initially activated, no further effort is required for future use of the feature.