Ortho Simulation 3.0

Ortho Simulation aims to create and present orthodontic treatment programs and provided corresponding reports for users and patients to enhance the understand and acceptance of patients, and eliminate the revision of treatments. 


How to generate a new orthodontic simulation program?


STEP 1: Launch the function

After collecting oral data, click the “Ortho simulation” button in the bar to launch the simulation program.

STEP 2: Adjust models

In the creation stage, users should check the position of oral data in a coordinate system. Adjust the model to the center of each view by dragging the model. If you want to adjust models in detail, you can click the “zoom in” button to broaden the view. 

STEP 3: Confirm teeth

Click the “next step” button to move to the module of confirming teeth. Here, users can check the results of segmentation. Users can modify the areas with tools on the right side if necessary. 


Modify area: Click the target tooth and modify areas with a brush and eraser. Dragging the cursor to increase or reduce the area, and click the “confirm” button to finish the modification.

Change tooth number: Click the target tooth and select the teeth number in the pop-up. If there are repetitive tooth numbers, there will be a pop-up to remind users. 

Remove teeth: Click the target tooth and click the “remove tooth” button to delete it.  

Add teeth: Double-click the area that you want to add, select the corresponding teeth position number in the pop-up and then click the “confirm” button to finish adding. If necessary, you can apply the “modify area” function to modify the areas. 

STEP 4: Confirm programs

Click the “next step” button to move to the module of the confirming program. Users can confirm the simulation plan by checking the teeth status. Teeth status contains 4 categories: normal teeth, missing tooth, tooth extraction and virtual teeth. Users can click the specific tooth and change the status in the pop-up. 

Next, users can edit the name of the program.

Then, users need to choose an arch shape according to the actual situation. In the 3.0 version, 3 types of arches, including Vesica Piscis, Squircle and Oval, were provided. 

Click the “auto generation” button to finish the creation stage.


A workflow bar was provided. Smoothly switch steps by clicking buttons.

In the preview stage, users can click the navigation buttons, “model adjustment” or “teeth confirm” in the upper left corner to turn back to the creation stage. 

We added beginner’s tip pop-ups to help users to get started. You can refer to these pop-ups and follow the instructions to conduct functions fluently.

STEP 5: Create new programs in the preview stage

The new version enables users to create up to 3 programs to compare with original data. There are 2 ways to create new programs after the creation stage.

Firstly, you can click the “create program” button to enter the creation stage again. You need to repeat STEP 4 and generate a new program.

Secondly, you can revise existing programs in detail to generate a new program. Click the “manual setup” button, select the target program in the pop-up and apply tools to modify models.

Shift: Move a tooth by dragging it.

Rotation: Rotate a tooth.

Torsion: Turn one end of a tooth along a longitudinal axis.

Interproximal Contact: Check the contact situation of proximal. Change the contact between teeth by adjusting the number of specific points.

Dental Arch: Drag the threshold bar to adjust the width and length of the arch and lip inclination of upper anterior teeth. 

You can also click the “add brackets” to modify the program. Choose the program in the pop-up, and click the “add brackets” button. Next, choose the type and brands and click the “confirm” button. Then, brackets will be generated automatically. 

If you want to replace the original brackets with other brackets, click the “replace brackets” button to repeat the selection. Finally, click the “confirm” button to finish the addition. However, adding brackets cannot produce a new program. 

How to compare multiple programs? 

STEP 1: Choose programs

You can click the programs’ names on the bar to determine if the programs can be shown in the center of the screen. 

STEP 2: Apply tools

You can apply different views and tools to check the models.

In the new version, the overlay and the occlusion map are added. 

Overlay: Click the “overlay” button to activate the mode, and there will be blue parts appearing on the created programs. The blue parts indicate the original data and the differences between models by comparison. 

Occlusion Map: Click the “occlusion” to activate the mode. You can check the occlusion situation through a ribbon. You can also adjust the threshold of the ribbon in the lower right corner.

STEP 3: Display orthodontic simulation animation

Click the “play” button to display an animation of orthodontic simulation. If you have created more than 1 program, there will be a pop-up to remind you to choose the target program. 

A “cycleplay” button is provided for cycling-playing animation. 

The animation can show the changes in oral data in the process of orthodontic treatments to enhance the understanding of patients towards treatments and reduce communication costs. 

How to generate a report or update a report? 


The new version enables users to generate a report more easily. Click the “report” button and click the “upload” button of the objective program. A corresponding QR code will be generated, and the report, containing models and simulation animations, can be browsed with this code on mobile phones. 

If you need to update the report, click the “report” button and the “update” button of the objective report. Consequently, the report will be renewed. 


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