MentronTrack 2.1

MentronTrack enables users to conduct automatic measurement analysis and compare oral data before and after orthodontic treatments. 

How to compare models before and after orthodontic treatments and generate a report?


STEP 1: Create orders and collect oral data

Create orthodontic orders and scan the oral data of the same patient in different periods. 

STEP 2: Import oral data

Enter the pre-design stage of an order, click the button on the control bar, and click the “MentronTrack” button to launch the program. 

A pop-up will appear, and all oral data of the patient will be contained. You need to choose the data that you want to compare. Up to 10 groups of data could be selected simultaneously. Click the “confirm” button to finish importing. The program will conduct segmentation subsequently.

STEP 3: Mark teeth

After automatic segmentation, you can check the results in the stage of marking teeth. The patient’s scans are arranged chronically on a timeline, as shown by the blue cursor with the scan dates above. Select the model that you want to check by dragging the cursor. If necessary, you can apply tools on the right side to modify tooth areas and positions. 


Modify area: Click the target tooth and modify areas with a brush and eraser. Dragging the cursor to increase or reduce the area, and click the “confirm” button to finish the modification.

Change tooth number: Click the target tooth and select the tooth number in the pop-up. If there are repetitive tooth numbers, there will be a pop-up to remind users. 

Remove teeth: Click the target tooth and click the “remove tooth” button to delete it.  

Add teeth: Double-click the area that you want to add, select the corresponding teeth position number in the pop-up and then click the “confirm” button to finish adding. If necessary, you can apply the “modify area” function to modify the areas. 

STEP 4: Measurement Analysis

The program can automatically conduct measurement analysis for each model, providing detailed information for users. Click the “measurement analysis” button on the bar to check the measurement analysis results. The program enables users to select up to 2 groups of oral data to compare. You just need to click the icons on the timeline to select or deselect. 

Users can select a module to compare on the right side. 

Dental Crowding: You can check the malocclusion situations. A pop-up can show all information for users, including dental arch and tooth width. You can check the measurement results and tell the crowding situation. 

General standards are as shown below. 

Dental Crowding (mm)



I (Mild Crowding)


II (Moderate Crowding)


III (Severe Crowding)

The program also empowers users to modify the arch lines and tooth width manually.

Click the arch line on a model, a sub-window will appear in the lower right corner. You can move the points to adjust the arch line detailedly. 

You can modify the width of teeth. Move your cursor on a tooth, the width of the tooth will appear. Click the tooth that you want to modify, and rotate the tooth in the sub-window to adjust the width. Subsequently, the measurement results will be changed simultaneously. 

Bolton Ratio

The Bolton Ratio serves as a tool for determining tooth size abnormality. The Bolton Ratio mainly provides the anterior ratio and the overall ratio, and a pop-up will show the results for measurements. 

General standards are as shown below.

Bolton Ratio

Default Template 1

Default Template 2







There are 2 templates to select. You can switch default templates in the settings> template. The default template 2 is applicable to Chinese. Similar to dental crowding, you can also modify the width of teeth. 

Overbite and Overjet: Users can check the overbite and overjet conditions. A measurement table will show all results. 

And the general standards are shown as below.





Within incisal edge 1/3




Within incisal edge 1/3~2/3




Over incisal edge 2/3




The red lines on the mandibular teeth divide teeth into 3 parts, which can intuitively show the overbite conditions. 

The program can calculate the distance between the mesiobuccal points of the maxilla and mandible or the middle points of the incisal edge in the maxilla and mandible. You can click the results in the measurement table, subsequently, the corresponding teeth will be highlighted, and the sub-window will show the details of the teeth in the lower right corner.

Molar Relationship: 

A measurement table can provide the judgment of the relationship of the first permanent molar on both side.

Click the points on models or the results in the measurement table, a sub-window will appear to show the detailed conditions of molars. In general, the molar relationships could be divided in neutral, mesial and distal relationships. 


The 2 grey straight lines on both sides can assist users in telling the relative positions of the mesiobuccal cusp in the maxilla and the buccal groove in the mandible.

Curve of Spee:

The program simulated a fitted curve of Spee and planes, and automatically calculated the distance from the lowest point of the curve to the plane, namely, the depth of the curve of Spee. In general, the standard of the depth is limited to 2±0.7 mm. 

Users can drag the points to adjust the incisor edges, canine cusps, molar buccal cusps and the shape of the curve. Simultaneously, the results will be changed. 


STEP 5: Model Comparison

Click the “model comparison” to enter the interface and models will be aligned automatically. 

If necessary, you can drag the points to align models manually, and click the “alignment” button to finish. Switch the maxilla and mandible in the upper right corner. Then, you can compare models through modules on the right side. 


Press the points and drag them once they turn from green to red. 

Additionally, the program enables users to align models with 8 points. You can click anywhere on the models to create a new point for alignment. 

Because orthodontic treatments can cause obvious changes in teeth, pick points at places with no or less movement. 

Tooth Movement Analysis:

Users can check the results of tooth movement analysis. Models compared are presented in white and blue color to describe differences more intuitively with turning off texture.


Switch the maxilla and the mandible by clicking the icon in the upper right corner. 

Users can select the specific teeth to highlight the corresponding results line in the measurement table, and also select the specific result to highlight the corresponding teeth position and show the direction. 


The ribbon shows the difference between the two models. 

Users can select the comparison area at the bottom of the interface. The “tooth” area only contains teeth, and the “jaw” area encompasses the entire model, including the gingiva, empowering users to check the changes.

Users can click on any point on the surface to obtain a point-specific distance measurement.

Users can also adjust the threshold on the bar. 

A photoscope is provided for zooming in. Drag the photoscope to observe models detailedly.


A section is generated, showing a cross section of 2 overlaid models. Users can adjust the section by dragging the 2 black points, then, dragging the blue point to move the section on the arch line.

Users can select the comparison area at the bottom of the interface. The “tooth” area only contains teeth, and the “jaw” area encompasses the entire model, including the gingiva, empowering users to check the changes.


The resulting cross section appears, by default, on the cross section sub-window. To make a measurement, pick any 2 points on the cross sections’ outlines and a black line will appear alongside a linear distance measurement. The “zoom in” button and the “zoom out” button help users enlarge or narrow the sub-window. The “reset” button can clear all operations. 

STEP 6: Generate a report

Click the “report” button to generate a model analysis report. The default report includes patient information, oral images and measurement data. Users can select the necessary analysis on the bar on the right side. 

Users can save PDF files or upload them. After uploading, a corresponding QR code will be generated. The code and its link can be shared with patients, enabling patients to check reports easily. 

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